Radiography is an imaging modality used to determine if there is any injury to the bones or skeleton. Ultrasound uses high frequency sound waves to evaluate tendon and ligament structures of the musculoskeletal system, and is the imaging modality of choice for identifying soft tissue injuries of the horse.
Radiography is an imaging modality used to determine if there is any injury to the bones or skeleton.
It is performed by generating a small dose of x-ray with an x-ray machine, which is projected towards the area of interest on the horse.
This generates an image on an x-ray film, using a modern digital image system or a traditional manually developed film.
Radiography is useful in the diagnosis of fractures, bone chips, changes in bone density (as seen with navicular syndrome), laminitis and to evaluate the origins and insertions of tendon and ligament structures on bone.
We have a portable x-ray machine to allow for x-rays to be performed at client stables. We will advise you of any safety equipment that you may need to wear if you are assisting. removing the need to transport your horse.
Ultrasound uses high frequency sound waves to evaluate tendon and ligament structures of the musculoskeletal system, and is the imaging modality of choice for identifying soft tissue injuries of the horse.
It is particularly useful for imaging tendons of the lower limb, which are frequent sites of injury in horses.
It can be used to identify foreign bodies lodged within soft tissue structures and to evaluate the margins of bone structures.
In order to obtain images of diagnostic quality, your horse’s hair will need to be clipped, their skin cleaned and ultrasound gel applied to the area of interest.
Your vet will be looking for enlargement of structures, evidence of fibre pattern disruption and fluid accumulation to determine potential sites of injury.
Sometimes, a referral may be required to obtain fully diagnostic images.